My girlfriend and I are planning to buy our first house soon. Like many people, we are hiring a real estate agent¹ to help us with the process. We aren’t comfortable navigating the housing market by ourselves. We also aren’t savvy enough to negotiate the contracts. And we certainly don’t have the experience to know what to look for and what to avoid.
Like the real estate market, taxes can be complicated and intimidating. Iconic Insurance has an accountant² to keep our books in order, file our returns and give us tax advice. Iconic doesn’t offer auto insurance – so guess what? I’ve got a property and casualty insurance agent³ who insures my vehicles. I’ve also got a financial planner⁴ to make sure I’m managing my money responsibly.
Many people hire similar experts to assist them with similar problems because they are not experts themselves. So why are so many people choosing their family’s health insurance without an expert? It’s not anyone’s fault – there just aren’t many companies like Iconic. But rest assured, we would love to be your expert when making your health insurance decision.
Iconic Insurance is an independent health insurance agency, meaning we aren’t peddling just one product – we can sign you up for what’s best for you. Some people wonder if using an agency makes your insurance more expensive, and I’m here to tell you it doesn’t. The monthly commission we receive is built into the price of the product already. The insurance company pays us. We also only get paid every month you renew your policy – so it is in our best interest to get you the right plan, and to keep you satisfied month after month.
Set an appointment with us and we can walk you through our process. It’s what we do.
Matt Allen
Founder of Iconic Insurance
¹ Alyce Penry of FC Tucker Company
² Katie Scofield of KMR Accounting
³ Phil Kirkpatrick of Realty Group Insurance
⁴ Michael Reynolds of Elevation Financial