Help with the health insurance you need

Are You Planning to Retire and You Need Health Insurance?

Let's talk health insurance for retirement

We Provide All The Options

ACA Marketplace Plans + Supplement

Great for those whose income goes down when they retire and those with pre-existing conditions. When income decreases, you qualify for tax credits that make these plans more affordable. These marketplace plans, however,  have narrow networks. To make sure you can receive healthcare wherever you need, we always recommend pairing these plans with a supplement.

Private Health Insurance + Cost Share

These plans are best for people who are retiring but maintaining a high income and are relatively healthy. Private plans come with better deductibles, better networks and lower premiums than fully-priced Marketplace plans. The catch? These plans are limited benefit. While the limits are high and generous, Iconic is here to make sure your assets are covered. So we always recommend adding a cost sharing plan to eliminate your risk.

Dental + Vision

This is the easy part! What we do at Iconic is simply call your dentist & vision provider and see what types of plans they accept. Once we know the carriers that will allow you to stay with your current provider, we shop around to make sure you get the best price.

What if my spouse or I are already 65?

We assist those 65 and older sign up for their Part A and Part B benefits through the government. We’ll walk you through how Medicare works, and why a supplement is so important. But it’s also important to choose the right supplement; so we help you compare traditional Medicare supplements with Advantage plans. Then we make sure your Part D prescription drug plan covers your medicine and works at your preferred pharmacy!

Ready to talk to an advisor?

Talking with an Iconic advisor is easy! Take the first step today!

We match your needs with the exact right health insurance. Fill out our Health Insurance Snapshot below to book a call with an advisor.

Health Insurance Snapshot

What Information Your Advisor Will Need

Household Information

Number of household members needing Insurance, date of birth for each member, zip code.

Health Care Information

List of prescriptions (with dosages), PCP (Primary Care Provider), Specialists, Hospitals/Facilities you want in-network.

Your Household MAGI

Calculate your projected household MAGI (Modified Adjusted Gross Income) for the year you retire and subsequent years.

Dentist Information

Bring the name of your dentist so we can contact them and see which dental insurance they accept.

If you are leaving a job with benefits

If you’re leaving a job with benefits, contact your HR and get your COBRA details so we can compare them to other options available.

Your Travel Habits

Where do you like to go? How Frequently are you on the move?


What You Can Expect From Meeting Iconic

We know that when you are planning to retire, your health insurance is on your mind, especially if you have been receiving it through your employer. Iconic is here to show you all of your options and how they work.

Get Started: Health Insurance Snapshot