Wait... I have options?

Learn About The Options For Your Business

Our Value

"It's Complicated"

We simplify health insurance for all businesses. For us that means learning about your situation, and the needs and wants of your employees. We know nothing about you yet, the form below just requires your business zip code and number of employees you think will be on the plan. From there you can book with our Iconic expert so we can learn more.

Lets talk about the options

Small Businesses Have Options

The right health insurance exists for every small business, and they all fall into one of these three buckets. The first step is to figure out which of the buckets is ideal for your small business, because within each bucket there are many options. By filling out the form below, we can start to narrow down the right health insurance model for you!

Matt presenting plans
Know Your Options

Stipend Model

The most flexible options of the three. Instead of offering the same group plan to everyone, each employee gets a tailor-made plan for their situation. The business owner then decides how much to contribute. Ideal for businesses who want controlled-costs and flexibility.

Learn About The Stipend Model
Know Your Options


These plans have the same high-quality of fully-funded but are priced based on the size and health of your group. If your employees are relatively healthy, these plans could be ideal with inexpensive premiums and high-quality coverage.

Know Your Options


High-quality, full-priced plans. These are guaranteed-issue, meaning no group can be denied. These plans are ideal for businesses with high-earners and/or employees with health concerns.

Our Experts Are Here For You

With 9 years in the health insurance business, we know what it takes for businesses to offer benefits that fit your budget and give your employees the health care they need. As a broker, we are able to provide you will all of the options in the market and get the best fit for your situation.

After Sign Up

We don’t just leave you hanging, we have a designated client success manager who will be ready to answer all of your questions and make sure you know the best ways to leverage your plan!